








Refocus 或者通过我们的会计项目开始你的职业生涯 at 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址's C. 拉马尔 & 安赖特商学院.

目前所有国家y需要 完成至少150学时, 包括一些高级会计课程, 再加上成功完成注册会计师考试, 才能获得注册会计师执照.

For more information about our accounting program, please contact Dr. 杰米·康纳斯,副院长,706.272.2455 or jconnors@cctgay.com.


澳门新葡京娱乐城网址赖特商学院, 我们可以帮你重新集中注意力, 或者通过我们的会计项目开始你的职业生涯. While we offer a traditional Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA) in Accounting, we also help students with any degree transition to the field of accounting. 如果这些情况听起来像你,我们可以提供帮助:

  1. Do you have a bachelor’s degree in accounting and need a few extra courses to meet the 150-hour qualification for the CPA exam?
  2. Do you have a bachelor’s degree in another business discipline and would like to qualify and sit for the CPA exam?
  3. Do you have a bachelor’s degree in a field other than business and would like to qualify and sit for the CPA exam?

It is never too late to consider a career in the fast-growing accounting field.

All states currently require 完成至少150学时, 包括一些高级会计课程, 再加上成功完成注册会计师考试, 才能获得注册会计师执照. 每个州都设定了具体的资格要求(例如.g., specific courses, ethics requirements, experience requirements, etc.). 道尔顿状态 莱特商学院 offers classes that cover all four sections of the CPA exam. 审计 and Attestation (AUD)• 商业环境 and 概念 (BEC)• 财务会计与报告 (FAR)• 监管 (REG). So, it is easy to complete the remainder of the 150 credit hours beyond the BBA in Accounting’s 121 credit hours at DSC's 莱特商学院.

Students and graduates of the 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 Accounting program know how committed we are to our students and their success. We have a supportive and committed learning environment with faculty dedicated to your success at all levels. 此外, aspiring CPA’s are sure to be pleased to learn that 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 has been recently ranked nationally as one of the best 学校s for return on investment ("ROI").

夏季注册会计师预备课程-商法 & 会计条例 & 商务专业人士(REG)

Certified Public Accountants (注册会计师) are in-demand in public, private, and non-profit environments. 注册会计师记录和报告财务数据, interpret and understand state and federal tax laws and their effects on business decisions, 审计财务报表, 收集和使用数据进行计划和控制.

注册会计师成为企业实际运作的专家.  While the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the Master of Accountancy (MAcc) degrees are very valuable and sought after, 注册会计师是一个实际的执照, 提供相应的权利和责任.

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 offers students the opportunity to obtain the 150 credits required for licensure in an efficient and cost-effective way. 每个高年级的会计课都提供C. 拉马尔 and 安赖特商学院 (WSOB) prepares students for four different sections of the CPA Exam: 商业环境 & 概念, 监管, 财务会计与报告, and 审计. WSOB课程提供的支持包括:

商业环境 & 概念


  • 成本会计
  • 税1
  • 会计信息系统
  • 税收2
  • 微 & 宏观经济学(非会计类)
  • 法规(商法的结合) & 税)



  • 中级会计一级
  • 会计信息系统
  • 中级会计II
  • 审计
  • 中级会计(三)
  • 法务会计










The 商业环境 and 概念 (BEC) course reviews a 注册会计师 role within the business environment, and covers topics related to a variety of business areas from operations to corporate governance. It is important for 注册会计师 to understand the external business environment, whether they work internally within a company or externally for a public accounting firm.

After completing ten accounting and eight business core courses (which are all offered as part of the DSC WSOB core curriculum), any DSC college course will count towards the 150 credit-hour minimum students need, 这取决于各州的注册会计师要求(参见www.cpa).和合本.org). Courses are offered throughout the year at DSC, including during three summer sessions.  We offer classes at a best-value price with a high return on investment.

For more information about our accounting program, please contact Dr. 副院长杰米·康纳斯: jconnors@cctgay.com.



当我搬到卡尔霍恩时, GA, 来自我的家乡苏迪-黛西, TN, I enrolled in 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 to complete my degree because it was the closest college to my new home. However, what I found here was different than my previous college experience. My professors and fellow students cared about each other and our successes in the program and in our careers. When I graduated with my Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Accounting in 2009, 我知道我想成为一名注册会计师. 我还想去读研究生, 但我知道,一旦我找到了会计方面的全职工作, 这将很难协调工作, 学校, 和注册会计师考试. With the requirement to obtain 150 semester hours in accounting for licensure, 我决定毕业后继续留在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址, 在我感到舒适的环境中, 直到我完成了150小时的要求. Having my 150 hours completed made me more attractive to the CPA firms I interviewed with, 因为他们知道我致力于获得我的证书, and just needed their help to obtain my required work experience while I completed and passed the CPA exam. The investment I made in my education at 道尔顿状态 continues to pay off as I progress in my career, 而且性价比真的是首屈一指的. 也许同样重要, the education and relationships I have gained from 道尔顿状态 have been invaluable to my life and career. 我现在为杰森·安德伍德工作, 注册会计师事务所, 查塔努加的ERISA注册会计师, TN作为审计和保证高级经理. 我也是一名自由会计师/簿记员. I have been with 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 as a part-time instructor since January 2020.