
名称: 凯茜杰克逊

家乡: 道尔顿

度了: associate degree in computer operation, associate in computer networking from 道尔顿状态, bachelor’s in information technology from Middle Georgia State University

你的职位是什么? 测试专家

你在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址多久了? 7月就是12年了

Why did you choose to work at 道尔顿状态? I don’t think you choose a place to work at and make it a career, it chooses you. I began here as a student worker in the former Academic and Career Enhancement Center (ACE) and worked under the supervision of a lady who was extraordinary and loved what she did and the people that she helped, 卡罗尔Treible. The more I worked there, the more I enjoyed it and didn’t want to leave. My final semester she discussed with me, the opportunity to continue working here at 道尔顿状态, 仍然在她的指导下, 我很高兴得到了这个机会!

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家? Being part of the 走鹃国家 means not only seeing the students grow into their careers after college but to also see the College grow and conform to the needs of our community.

What do you like best about being at 道尔顿状态? The faculty that I deal with on a regular basis and the students that I see from semester to semester. Our campus is growing but it is still small enough that everyone knows who you are. 也, being a part of something as it grows lets you see where the College has come from and see it progress into something amazing.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments while at 道尔顿状态? My biggest accomplishment while at 道尔顿状态 is taking the position that I was given, 考试中心的秘书, administering a handful of exams a year, to now serving thousands of students for a variety of tests. We have made the 测试中心 self-sufficient by bringing in standardized exams that we get paid to administer. After being here for about three years, I saw the need to offer to faculty a place for their students to take exams that they missed in class, freeing up faculty from having to find a time and a place to provide that service, 它已经显著增长. We also offer testing for both on-campus and online/hybrid classes.

Where is your favorite place on campus? The swing out beside the creek and the library.

What is your favorite part about your job? Seeing students get closer and closer to their goal, graduation!

你的iPad上有什么? 插槽游戏! 我喜欢玩它们.

最喜欢的安慰食物? 巧克力!

最喜欢的电影台词? “If you built it they will come” - “Shoeless” Joe Jackson in 1989’s 梦想之地

你最引以为豪的是什么? 我来过的地方. I didn’t have it easy, and it was a real struggle but look at me now. I am proud of my husband for overcoming many obstacles in his life and being where he is now. 我为我的孩子们感到骄傲. 作为一名全日制学生, 全职妈妈, 妻子, and a student worker was hard and then changing all of this up with full-time worker made it even harder. On the days that I felt that I couldn’t make it or succeed, all of these guys told me I could and had enough faith in me when I didn’t to help me become the person I am.

If you won the lottery, what would you do? 去迪斯尼旅行.

什么使你高兴?? 和家人在一起.

谁是你的英雄? 我妈妈是我心目中的英雄. 成长的过程中, we don’t realize how much our moms/dads sacrifice for us. All I ever wanted in life was to make her as proud of me as I was of her.

你最喜欢的应用是什么? If you consider favorite being the one I constantly use, my email. I constantly check my email nights and weekends, replying back to students and faculty with information they need right then and there.

你最喜欢去哪里吃饭? 我喜欢在Chili 's吃饭. 我不是一个实验性的食客.

What did you want to be when you were a kid? 我想成为一名教师. 成长的过程中, 我们住在一辆宽大的拖车里, 作为一个孩子, I would line up all of my dolls and stuffed animals down the hall and play school.

As a Roadrunner, how do you Run Boldly? I take every opportunity to help faculty succeed in their jobs as well as students to succeed in their classes. I listen to the needs of both and look for ways to incorporate that into what the 测试中心 can offer.