
名称: 贝嘉温克勒

年龄: 34

家乡: 道尔顿

高等学校: 东南

主要: 早期小学教育

预计毕业时间: 2019年5月11日

你为什么选择澳门新葡京娱乐城网址? 离家近

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家? 我很自豪地说我是一名Roadrunner. 我对这个头衔并不轻视. I encourage others to attend DSC when I present at conventions. I will encourage all my future students to attend DSC. I inform people of how affordable attending this institution can be. 我有好多DSC的t恤. I could not have enough gear to show my school spirit. I will always be a Roadrunner and have hopes of returning throughout my career.

毕业后你打算做什么? After graduation I will hopefully be employed with a Whitfield County school. I will teach for one year, and then pursue my master’s in education or another specialty. I am going to determine what grade I will be teaching and prepare for my classroom.

你最喜欢的教授是谁,为什么? My favorite professor is so hard to say, due to having many favorites. 我最喜欢的一些人包括Dr. 可爱的梅斯科,博士. 哈特,博士. 钟,女士. 约翰逊博士. Leslie Harrelson和Dr. 琼约翰逊. Each of these professors have helped shape my future. Each person has taught me more than they will ever realize and continue to teach me as I gain experience. I appreciate all of these different people in a variety of ways. I would not be the teacher I have become if not for their hard work with me and their impact that still stands.

你在校园里参加了什么活动? On campus I have been involved in numerous educational events. I have worked on Power Lunches for three years, two of which I have been a leader. I have assisted with Learning Academies in three different schools and attended multiple field trips as a chaperone teacher per family. I have the honor of holding the title KDP President. KDP是一个教育荣誉协会, 我发邮件, 安排活动, 举办仪式, and create graduation luncheon for education majors. I help out with Family Literacy Night and was able to teach children with their families as we worked together.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at 道尔顿状态? 我最大的成就是, 准考证, 连续多年在Power Lunch工作, 与学习学院合作, 参加会议, promoting DSC education program at a convention, 成为民主党的一员, 多次登上院长名单, 为DSC工作, 参加研讨会, 参加了两年的ED夏令营, 帮助举办家庭扫盲之夜.

What are some of your favorite activities in and around 道尔顿? 道尔顿 is a small town, and I have found I must venture out for excitement. I attend the movies, eat at the local restaurants, and attend local concerts when I can arrange it.

你最喜欢的学习地点是哪里? My favorite study spot is sitting up on my bed with my work spread all around me and my computer in my lap. 我更喜欢呆在家里学习, 但如果我有选择的话, 我会在DSC图书馆找把舒适的椅子, 戴上耳机, 然后开始我的学习仪式.

你最喜欢去的地方是哪里? 我最喜欢去的地方是布朗大厦. 由于我的日程安排,我不能去那里, so it is a treat when I can walk around and say hello to everyone. I always felt so safe and secure in the Brown building while working.

What is your best memory so far as part of the 走鹃国家? 我最好的记忆被打破了. I treasure presenting at the 道尔顿 Convention Center for the Chamber of Commerce. I also love that I was chosen to present at the TNTESOL conference with faculty members on an overnight trip. Both moments have enlightened my life and perspectives.

最喜欢的安慰食物? 爆米花和牧场调料. 我可以吃下相当于体重的爆米花.

如果你要一首主题曲,那会是什么? “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”

最喜欢的电影台词? 没有尝试,只有行动.”

你的罪恶快感是什么? Watching reality tv that drives my husband nuts. Do not laugh ladies; you know you do this to.

你最引以为豪的是什么? The person I have become over the last two years of my life.

什么使你高兴?? Watching anything with actress Melissa McCarthy.

你最喜欢的书是什么? I have many favorite books, but due to my career choice it would be “Flotsam.”

谁是你的英雄? My mother, and she has dressed up at Halloween to prove she is a superhero not just mine.

你最喜欢的童年记忆是什么? Having a pool party and using our beverages to die our hair. We were not teenagers yet, so this was a big deal.

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? 我很想见见玛丽莲·梦露, I think if she could have discussed her sadness with others outcome might have changed.

当你还是个孩子的时候,你想成为什么? 我想成为一名检察官. This path did not pan out, due to getting married at 19, among other signs.

As a Roadrunner, what does it mean to Run Boldly? In my situation, it is “Teach Boldly” What does that mean to me? 全身心投入到教学中去. 以我的教学行动超越他人. 去冒别人不敢冒的险. Make everything a teaching moment, and above everything inspire others to teach. Each department has its own way of seeing Run Boldly, and I run boldly by teaching boldly!